Opps, she did it again.
Here are some of today's top stories for BBC's Americas section:
Beyond RumsfeldWhat are the Iraq options for the new US defence secretary?
In picturesA look back at Britney Spears's often turbulent life
Second chanceAfter 16 years, Nicaraguans pin their hopes on Ortega again
What. The. Hell.
Of all the things going on in the world that's what the BBC thought was more important than the politically sensitive U.S. trade deficit and its effect with U.S.-China relations. Um. Ok.
I detest hearing about celebrities on mediums such as CNN, BBC, and Sky becuase I sincerely feel that it causes people to be desenitized from issues that MATTER. So few of my peers know of the decades-old divide between the Turkish-Cypriots and the Greek-Cypriots... or of the escalating factional violence in Somalia that has triggered and influx of refugees in neighbouring Kenya where a child living in a camp along the border has been diagnose with polio... and yet they knew the name of TomKat's new bub minutes after the press release and of Chanel's hottest new shade for Winter 2006 before it even came out. Really, what does Keith Urban's drinking problem have to do with us?
I hate celebrity gossip. It's pointless! If I begin to tell you how much I hate tabloids I wouldn't know where to start... and even if I did start, I wouldn't know where to end. I don't buy tabloids because A.) I think it's a waste valuable time and money and B.) because I know I'll find out the lastest gossip while watching the 6 o'clock news anyway. I just think people should start focusing on helping eradicate the world from poverty instead of their chipped nails.

Back to the article though... you have to admit it's a bit odd to have such a credible, quasi-autonomous news broadcasting corporation such as BBC layout the latest world news in this fashion- Spears' article is sandwiched between two others on political figures whose decisions have some proufound influence on our everyday lives! I believe in the inherent goodness of man... but seriously, what has Britney done for us than provide good laughs? And ok fine, a picture of abs that we all want to shoot for?
Labels: Britney Spears, Celebrity Gossip, Tabloids
Hi I was looking over your blog and it's rather good.
Keep it up.
Celebrity is so overvalued and yet mostly unwarranted.
8:34 PM
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