
November 24, 2006

I was talking to Pam yesterday about “school clothes” and “going out clothes”. Pam recently bought a pair of Bettina Liano jeans which she had altered and had planned to pick it up at Bondi yesterday afternoon… upon asking her whether she’d wear it to class anytime soon I was taken aback when she answered me with a sharp “no”, followed by “it’s just school”. This got me thinking about how I live my life. Now I want to make it clear that I’m not judging Pam, I love the girl to bits, but I suppose after my dad’s near death experience a few months ago… the way I live life has drastically changed.

My parents never really bought me a lot of clothes or gave me a lot of money to buy my own clothes until a few years ago. Growing up, they spent more money on our extensive travels and educating us kids in some of the best schools than buying us an excess amount of cute outfits. I can’t speak for my siblings but whenever my parents would take me out shopping for new threads I’d always end up wearing the new clothes right away… I’d always be so eager to strut my stuff! Up to this day I still wear my new shoes to bed and “display” all my new clothes around my room for hours before putting them away. Now, I have to point out that out of my twelve years of primary and secondary schooling, I only had two years of which I WASN’T required to wear a school uniform (GO DRAGONS!)… so that’s another reason why my parents never really had to worry about buying us the hippest clothing. As this was so, I never really had clothes that I labeled as “going out clothes” and “school clothes”. My wardrobe was just so limited that I didn’t have that much of a choice!

Even now that that I have amassed SIX closets-full of clothes AND a suitcase of winter coats and sweaters in Sydney ALONE… (omg I am so going to hell for being so materialistic!) I still haven’t really categorized my clothes. I wear what I want when I feel like it. And why shouldn’t I?

After my dad’s near-death-experience earlier this year… I decided that I’d make the most of each and everyday. SO since I have returned to Sydney, I have been waking up earlier… going to church more… meeting up with friends more… staying in touch with lost friends more… STUDYING MORE (ha!, this has yet to be executed “correctly”)… telling my boyfriend and my family that I love them more… essentially, I’m TRYING to be a nicer person. (And let me tell you, this whole “My Name Is Earl” thing is a lot harder than you think!). So with this life makeover, I have decided to take care of myself more. This includes working out more, eating better and caring more about my appearance in a non-superficial way. Non-superficial you ask? Well, non-superficial in that I want to treat everyday as a celebration of life… I mean, just think… WHAT IF you kept some of your best clothes aside “for a special occasion” but died before you got to wear them out? It’d just be a waste!

So I say if you’ve labeled your clothes as “going out clothes” and “school clothes” or wear what you want, when you want... or whatever else… I say, “the true ornament of any person is virtue, not clothes or jewels." (Anonymous)

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Blogger vintagefashionesta said...

yeah i totaly agree there is no such thing as going out clothes and school clothes to me either. i think it is great that you have turned over a new leaf.

8:45 AM

Blogger Lauren Moorhouse said...

dude i totally agree with you up but up until a certain point. I mean some clothes kinda have an identity to them already cus i mean if you look at a ballgown you're not going to consider that "school clothes"... you know what i mean? Although I'm pretty sure some of the guys really wanted to come to uni with tuxedo's on at one point!! haha

5:57 PM

Blogger dancingundies said...

Maggie: You're so cute.

Sara: I'm TRYING to turn over. "A new leaf". AH I'm so over leaves! Hahaha. I have to stop wanting so many things though. GAH. I wish I had heaps of heaps of money.

Lauren: Yeah I totally agree... but I think will have to look in Vinnie's for some hideous ballroom gown frock to wear to class just to make a point. HAHAHA jk. Like I ever would!

2:59 PM

Blogger Peter Podcast said...

It's a lot harder to get good stuff at Vinnies now.
Mr Stinkys and shops go through it first.
Obviously cloths arent high on my adgenda.
My brothers in law are all in the rag trade so I get samples free.
Top blogging and comments an all.

8:27 AM

Blogger tephiee said...

To an extent I agree that it is a person worth inside that counts and not their outside and I agree with chickontheroad because there are just some clothes that I do where to some places but not to other place. I think it depends on the context of the outing. And again chickontheroad displayed the exmaple of the tux and uni. hehe..

12:19 PM

Blogger Michael said...

Hey! Im a guy [(last time i checked)approx. 32 sec ago and counting lol]and im a bit uncertain with what i have just read. I can totally relate to u when u say that ur parents never bought u much in terms of cloths when u were growin up coz i was exactly the same! But to say that cloths are cloths or anything is anything for that matter is a little prejudice...
I dont kno much about fasion but when i buy a $200 pair of jeans or an $80 top im not goin to wear them to school for the simple reason is that i dont have a bizzilion dollars to spend on cloths (i work hard for the money lol! Why on earth would i bring my expensive shirts or expensive shoes to a relax enviroment like school? i have a cheap pair of jeans and alot of tops... so that is what i wear simply becuase i value the the things i work hard for or something i have wanted for so long! Its not that the ppl at school are not worth seeing me in such a way or im scared of ppl seeing me waerring the m=same thing twice... its that i value things that were harder to achieve! and on the notion that i could die any min... id rather die knowing that i didnt wear all my cloths rather than i didnt undo all my wrongs to people that i love!

lol but hey i have never gone through the harship that u have! and i for that i have alot more respect for u than u can imagine! i love the fact that your heart tells you to do something and u do it!

2:50 AM


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