Budgeting Blues.

Meet Jarrod. He is my HUNK'A'BURNIN LOVE! (Um, no.) He and I have been together for almost two years now... and I've never been happier.

Harbour Cruise on my bday last year. I'm so dark! (His tie is hideous, I know!)
Jarrod is my compliment.
I'm emotional.
He's objective.
I'm spontaneous.
He's rigid.
I'm an "artsy fartsy" dresser.
He's a standard blue/black/grey/white t-shirt kind of guy.
I'm a city girl and global nomad through and through.
He's a country bumpkin who's only left the country twice.
I'm a devout Catholic.
He's agnostic "until further notice".
I'm short.
He's tall.
I'm cute.
He's not. I MEAN... um... hahaha
I hate Vegimite.
He loves the stuff.
I'm "black"... ok fine, I'm Asian.
He's white... (and needs a tan REAL BAD.)
I love pop and country music.
He loves rock and heavy metal.
I'm TERRIBLE at saving money.
He's FANTASTIC at putting it away for a rainy day.
I am an impulsive buyer.
He only buys what he needs.
I have ONE, shitty savings account with barely anything in it (for shopping, that is)...
He has three accounts that he has money saved in for a rainy day.
GRRR. Money. I hate money....
Or rather, I hate the LACK of money... haha...
I find that money is always a sensitive issue no matter what the context. BUT when you have never really had to worry about money (because Poppy is just a phone call away!), having a monetary-concious boyfriend makes money managing that much more of a sore topic of disccuion! So, needless to say, I am currently experiencing the BUDGETING BLUES.
A few weeks ago, Jarrod sat me down to discuss "money matters". We sat down together and broke down my monthly expenses... and about my/OUR(!!!) short and long term goals. I cried not long after we started talking about it all... BECAUSE I'M LAME. Haha... whatisthislife?!
Since I first met Jarrod, my mom has cut my allowance in half. TWICE. That's TWO TIMES in the last twenty-one months! I get 'just enough' money now from mis padres... which is "OK" and there are times, I have to admit, where I actually like the fact that they don't give me more money than I need (especially now that I have a job!)... but it's still SO crap having to budget and to save. This whole independce thing is overrated.
"God, I would like to stop growing up now. Kthanksbye."
Though I think budgeting is shithouse, I'm really glad Jarrod cares for me enough to discuss such important matters. It helps make growing up easier when there is someone there to support you through times of change... MUSH!
So what's the moral of the story? (Not that there really is a story... but...)
Just kidding.