www.bryanboy.typepad.com: a critique
Here is Bryan Boy’s recipe for blogging success:
One homosexual.
LOTS OF MONEY (to buy the latest fashion).
A signature pose.
And an internet connection.
Put it all together and you’ve got a international fan base and an income funded by various companies provided you endorse their products on your website! Bryan Boy is a part of the growing phenomena of “online celebrities”. In an age of self-promotion and swift technological advancements, anybody can be an ‘international star’!
Bryan Boy hails from the Philippines… and he describes himself as “…planet Earth's favorite third world fag. I'm the gayest gay that ever gayed. I am SOOO gay that I even sweat glitter.” Clearly flamboyant and campy, Bryan Boy has become a “Technorati” celebrity… having been voted as one of the world’s most popular blogs by the number of online traffic received daily.
What amazes me most about BryanBoy is that most of his entries aren’t exactly thought provoking. He ISN’T changing the world or anything. Well, not for the better anyway. His blogs are consistently self-centred and shallow… he constantly talks about how expensive his possessions are in a tone that subtly degrades people who cannot afford the same things. Which is just about the great chunk of the human race! If he is not talking about his most recent material acquisitions he makes fun of his countrymen or how he looks up to INFAMOUS people such as Imelda Marcos for having amassed a reported 3,000 shoes.
I seriously have no respect for him in that regard. How can you look up to a woman, a former first lady, who robbed billions of dollars from the people she was suppose to SERVE? And really, what do you get out of having more than 100 designer bags? It’s sick.
I suppose when BryanBoy first began blogging it was “cute”. Here’s this Asian guy, who hails from the only predominantly Christian country in the region who is openly gay talking about his sexcapades and the latest Prada collection. It’s different. It’s fun. Whatever. But I personally you can only talk about yourself so much… ‘cause then it gets, well, predictable. And, annoying. I don’t know very many people who like listening about someone who talks about himself or herself all the time. Not cool.
But then, that’s just me. Fans from all around the world mail BryanBoy daily pictures of themselves doing BryanBoy’s signature pose and comment on his entries. He seems to be particularly popular with gay guys in Europe and South East Asian females.
I will probably will never know why he has got such a large fan base up to now. His life really isn’t THAT interesting. I’d rather read about someone who is helping find a cure for AIDS or making a positive impact on the world.
Labels: BryanBoy, online celebrities
Man, I was so intrigued by this Byranboy that I went onto that link you posted and saw his blog. As I scrolled down his posts I came past one where he wrote about his dinner with the first lady Imelda Marcos! I was like “what the?!” How did he get to have dinner with her? Man, his influence must be major to be invited to that dinner. Hahahaa…Imelda Marcos? Wow!
10:58 PM
Good writing .
Drifted somewhere but finished strong.
Best wishes.
10:19 PM
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10:24 PM
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